Monday, July 19, 2010

HHCC'ers at the Danbury Fair Mall

For the July meeting, HHCC'ers met at the Danbury Fair Mall located in Danbury, Connecticut.

The Danbury Fair Mall is built on the same land the Great Danbury Fair used to be held (1869-1981). When the owner died he left the grounds to his children stating that it would “always be a place for people to gather.” The Fair ended in 1981 and in 1986 they opened the mall, inclulding the carousel that at that time could be seen from the highway. (several years later they added the parking garage which now blocks the highway view of the carousel.) You can learn more about this Fair by clicking here.

How is the Danbury Fair Mall connected to the fiber world? The daughter of Laura Ingalls Wilder (author of the Little House series of books) had a daughter, Rose Wilder Lane. Rose lived in Danbury during the 1960s and is said to have been a volunteer at the Fair for the needlework entries (Rose authored the coveted book, The Woman’s Day Book of American Needlework in 1963).

In keeping with the spirit of the Fair being a gathering place, HHCC'ers enjoyed having their July meeting in the food court. "Crocheting in public is fun!" exlaimed the newest HHCC Jr. member (age 10). HHCC'ers were also encouraged to play "Crochet Bingo" with member Andrea winning for finding the most items with crochet at JCPenney's -- and for finding people at the mall who also enjoy crocheting!

Stay tuned to learn where next month's meeting location will be! :)

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