The Happily Hooked on Crocheting Club, Connecticut Chapter of the Crochet Guild of America, recognized in 2006 by Governor M. Jodi Rell for local charitable crochet donations, celebrated it's
8th Anniversary in November!
Founded in 2001 on the cusp of 911, Ruth Arbitelle* (deceased), Hilda Nichols, Kay Perna, Dee Stanziano and Ruth Young banded together to create a CGOA Chapter dedicated to the art of crochet, all while having fun.

Under the current leadership of Grace Gardiner, HHCC President, the group has blossomed to 50 members, continues to aid local charities, and travels around the tri-state area promoting crochet.
At the November meeting, the HHCC members welcomed Lily Chin to teach her popular, often sold out, workshop, "Crochet Tips & Tricks."

Fun was had by all! There was a smorgasbord of various treats, the official anniversary cake, and Lily autographing her brand new book,
Crochet Tips & Tricks, Shortcuts and Techniques Every Crocheter Should Know." HHCC President Grace said, "
[Lily made] our anniversary celebration so very special. I believe I can speak for all those that were able to attend, we learned so much and had a great time doing it!" *To learn more about Ruth Arbitelle, please visit our website at www.crochetclubinct.org
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