Saturday, June 20, 2009

HHCC Current Activites

HHCC members are encouraged to crochet chemo caps for the Danbury Hospital. Summer Chemo Caps, including for men, are in dire need. Please bring your chemo caps to the July meeting.

HHCC members are encouraged to crochet something to enter into competion to help show how wonderful crochet is! Should a ribbon be won, terrific! Should after viewing your entry, someone be inspired to pick up a crochet hook for the first time, or after a long hiatus, even better!

The CGOA Design Competion: must be original work, and must be a member of the CGOA. Visit for additional information.

The Big E is the ninth largest state fair in America. Entry forms must be received by The Big E by August 15th. Items for hand delivery must be brought to the August 16th meeting. Members of the HHCC will be demonstrating Crochet @ The Big E on Connecticut Day, Wednesday, September 23rd, in the New England State Building. Come see us!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Fly Like a Butterfly: June Meeting

LtoR: Grace, HHCC Pres; Jack, SVP of LB; Kathy, HHCC member The June meeting featured guest, Jack Blumenthal, Senior Vice President of Lion Brand. This was Jack's first time visiting with the HHCC'ers, and he delighted our members with facts and trivia about Lion Brand.

While Jack spoke to our group, members worked on crocheting butterflies for the Butterfly Project. Thus far the Club has 23 created and will continue to collect them (to be shipped at a later date).

HHCC member, Nancy, has taken over the position of HHCC Librarian, and has compiled a comprehensive list of material that will be available for loan to HHCC members. This list will be uploaded to the HHCC Yahoo group, and later added to the HHCC website for easy viewing. The HHCC is delighted to add Vanna White's popular book, Vanna's Choice Color It Beautiful Afghans to our growing library collection. Vanna's book was donated and autographed by Jack.

The HHCC would like to thank Jack, and Lion Brand, for their time & generosity. The HHCC hopes to have Jack visit with us again next year. :)